Building physics issues are essential to the safety of the construction, the protection and the energy efficiency of the buildings, and finally, the comfort level they provide to the inhabitants.
The building envelope
In particular, the design of the building envelope is of prime importance. The building envelope is essential for the building’s environmental impact and energy balance. It provides comfort and thus the quality of life for the users, which is crucial for the hospitality industry.
Thermal insulation
The external thermal insulation is essential, as it offers stable internal conditions throughout the year, not only during the winter. Noteworthy is the selection of the windows and external doors, where heat loss or gain depends heavily on the external conditions (temperature, orientation, sun).
Noise protection
The other issue related to the building envelope is noise protection. Energy efficiency and noise protection are usually incompatible requirements that the designers must optimize. According to the external conditions, windows carefully provide sound insulation based on an accurate environmental noise prediction model.
Moisture, fire, light, and sun
Other building physics issues such as moisture, fire, light, and sun need to be addressed to support current sustainable design targets suggested by known international systems like LEED, BREAM, and others.
MMT, based on its experience in thermal and sound insulation testing and certification, is well experienced in addressing all these issues, supporting the commissioning of the hotel, and avoiding, at the same time, unnecessary additional costs.
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External doors CE specifications Filetype: png457.82 KB |
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Consultants designs specifications Filetype: jpg441.22 KB |
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