Project Title Organization Year
Aircraft noise – Strategic noise maps Athens International Airport 2006
AKMON – Building products and constructions laboratory General Secretariat for Research and Technology, Athens 2005
Noise Indices – Objective and Subjective Evaluation of Environmental Noise General Secretariat for Research and Technology, Athens 2004
RIPE – Integrated informatics system of regional development – Design & Implementation Chamber of Commerce, Argos 2003
Noise and noise abatement awareness of citizens, with emphasis in Mediterranean EU countries conditions. European Commission, Brussels 2002
2/40 – Development of a windows type with thermal insulation k=2 W/(m2K) and sound insulation RW=40 General Secretariat for Research and Technology, Athens 2000
Urban noise monitoring in Thessaloniki Master Plan Organization, Thessaloniki 2000
Noise maps of Greek urban areas Environment, Planning & Public Works Ministry, Athens 1998
Laboratory infrastructure for aluminum Ministry of Development, Athens 1998
Certification system for sound insulation and sound intensity tests of windows and doors General Secretariat for Research and Technology, Athens 1997
“Archimedia Network” – Socrates program European Commission, Brussels 1996
Analysis and pilot implementation of sound protection measures in urban areas under local Greek conditions Environment, Planning & Public Works Ministry, Athens 1996
Mermaid – Telematics system for digital satellite marine communications European Commission, Brussels 1995
Multimedia Laboratory, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Mediterranean Integrated Projects, Athens 1992
Northstar – Academic Network of Northern Greece Mediterranean Integrated Projects, Athens 1992
Noise maps of Greek urban areas Environment, Planning & Public Works Ministry, Athens 1992
Documentation and proposals for the use of the buildings of the Greek Community in Venice Ministry of Culture, Athens 1992
Aristotle – Project for the development of IT technologies for the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki General Secretariat for Research and Technology, Athens 1992
Digital Telecommunications ISDN Network, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Research Committee, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki 1991
Large scale LAN for the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Research Committee, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki 1991
Quiet Products – Infrastructure and testing for the implementation of the EEC noise directives Environment, Planning & Public Works Ministry, Athens 1991
Accepted sound insulation solutions for buildings Environment, Planning & Public Works Ministry, Athens 1987
Lighting, ventilation and noise control in educational facilities Ministry of National Education, Athens 1986
Development of a knowledge base design tool on statistical acoustics Aristotle University. Thessaloniki 1985
International round robin test for the verification of absorption coefficients testing facilities Research Committee, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki 1984
Sound absorbers made from local raw materials General Secretariat for Research and Technology, Athens 1984